Innovating Aquarium Management with a Scalable, Inclusive Solution

Innovating Aquarium Management with a Scalable, Inclusive Solution

Innovating Aquarium Management with a Scalable, Inclusive Solution

Innovating Aquarium Management with a Scalable, Inclusive Solution

Innovating Aquarium Management with a Scalable, Inclusive Solution


UI/UX Designer 
(1 of 2) 


UI/UX Designer (1 of 2)  

UI/UX Designer 
(1 of 2)  




Aquarists required a user-friendly intuitive setup with a modern user experience and data organization that made sense. The app had to be scalable to cater to various devices and accommodate complete tank systems in the future. Additionally, the user interface needed to be accessible for colorblind users. With high demand for the product and competition to stay ahead, it was important to launch the minimum viable product (MVP) as soon as possible.

Aquarists required a user-friendly intuitive setup with a modern user experience and data organization that made sense. The app had to be scalable to cater to various devices and accommodate complete tank systems in the future. Additionally, the user interface needed to be accessible for colorblind users. With high demand for the product and competition to stay ahead, it was important to launch the minimum viable product (MVP) as soon as possible.


- Desktop/Mobile App Dashboard
- Initial prototype
- Defined sitemap + workflows
- Annotated Sketch files
- Responsive designs



I conducted interviews with an experienced aquarist to understand their priorities for the app. Following this research, I worked alongside my team on identifying the essential screens and breaking down the levels for each parameter.

Through discussions with both potential users and the Mindstream team, it became clear that we aimed to keep a friendly aesthetic. Recognizing that many aquarists find their tanks to be a calming hobby, we wanted to extend that soothing experience throughout the application, creating a more comprehensive and enjoyable user experience

We had a 2 week deadline to create a responsive MVP. I worked closely with another designer to execute the designs as quickly and efficiently as possible, while remaining true to the priorities captured during our Understand the Problem phase. We prioritized and streamlined the process to reduce churn and allow us to present a solid MVP for the client.

- Define the user flow of the application
- Identify the key screens and how they break down into multiple levels of detail



The final deliverable included an MVP that successfully met the user goals identified in the Understand the Problem phase. We established a workflow aligned with the priorities of aquarists. The outcome featured an onboarding process encompassing user account setup and support for physically configuring the monitor. It naturally progressed through the initial UX events: monitor setup, installation, and account configuration.

To manage the potential information overload due to users wanting to see all of their tank parameters at a glance, we designed a circular alert indicator for each tank to represent each parameter. This feature allowed us to present multiple tanks at once and use color to draw the attention necessary for the aquarists to take action. We also exposed the parameters that were out of range, using a spark line to allow the user to quickly understand the levels. This feature recieved the most positive reaction from users.

The inclusion of Quick Events provided richer context compared to text-based notes, presenting users with a timeline of flagged events. We introduced a comparison feature enabling users to overlay one parameter onto another. Additionally, I incorporated "Did you know?" facts for each parameter, enhancing the user's understanding by providing valuable context around each element. 

The client development team was able to build this product and release it to their users. The response was overhwelming positive from users. The positive response led the client to ask us to work on another project for them.


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